
Gokhan Mutlu, MD
Chief, Section of Pulmonary/Critical Care
University of Chicago
Department of Medicine
Section Chief’s Welcome
Created in 1983 by the merging of Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care Medicine under the leadership of Dr. Larry Wood, the Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine brings together clinicians, clinical scholars, and scientists in the pursuit of excellence in patient care, research, and education.
Our group derives great strength and balance from the historical merging of two very accomplished faculties. Our Section provides innovative and exemplary care across the domains of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, instructs the next generation of clinicians, and provides in-depth training in the methods and approaches of biomedical research. Our clinicians direct care in our intensive care units and provide expertise in invasive procedures throughout the institution. Our outpatient facility, pulmonary function laboratory, and consultation service provide state-of-the-art evaluation and care of patients with lung disease. Our clinical teaching has served medical students, residents, fellows, and practicing physicians, and has been locally and nationally applauded and awarded. Our basic and clinical investigation programs are extending knowledge about human disease and its treatment and training future scientists.
The faculty, trainees, and staff of our Section welcome you to learn more about this animated and engaging group and its important work. We actively seek partnerships with patients, colleagues, trainee candidates, and organizations devoted to the treatment and study of lung disease and critical illness.
About the Section
The Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine has been a model of exemplary patient care, research, and post-doctoral training for more than 20 years. The 30 faculty, clinical associates and research associates along with a staff of more than 72, have devoted themselves to the pursuit of excellence in each of these important activities.
Research Accomplishments
Well-established and robust basic and clinical investigation programs are directed by our faculty. Basic studies are constellated in two main areas—airway biology and oxygen utilization/critical care. Research training is supported by an NHLBI-sponsored training grant which provides training for both PhD and MD post-doctoral investigators. Active clinical investigation programs exist, with studies centered in our intensive care units and outpatient clinics. Clinical investigators participate in both multi-center trials as well as protocols conceived and conducted entirely at The University of Chicago. The success of the faculty in securing support for their research has been remarkable with significant growth over time.
Education and Training
The faculty of our Section view themselves as ‘teachers of teachers’, and they are actively engaged in the instruction of medical students, residents, fellows, graduate and post-doctoral students, and practicing clinicians. We offer a three – four year fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine with clinical and scientific training components, and 1 year fellowship in Sleep Medicine. The success of our efforts is measured by the success of our students. Of the graduates of our fellowship in the past 15 years, more than two thirds selected and remained in academic medicine. Their superb preparation for their careers is signaled by their evolution to leaders in the field, with this group now including 21 assistant professors of medicine, 8 associate professors of medicine, 7 full professors, and one medical school dean.
Patient Care
Our clinicians are devoted to providing the highest quality care to patients with critical illness and lung disease. We provide around-the-clock care to adult patients in the intensive care units of The University of Chicago. In addition to numerous other scholarly pursuits, the critical care faculty have authored a leading textbook, Principles of Critical Care, helping to define and direct this new and exciting field of medicine. Our faculty also direct a consultation service providing senior and experienced supervision of invasive procedures conducted on both our hospital wards as well as outpatient clinics. Patients with new and chronic lung diseases are evaluated in our ambulatory clinic, and characterization of their lung function is performed in a state-of-the-art pulmonary function laboratory.