Honor Roll
- Lottie and Max Dresher
- Irvin and Charlotte Brodsky
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Heller
- Andrew S. Kende and Family
- In memory of Naomi Antonow. Given by The Joseph P. Antonow Family
- In memory of Evelyn and Edward Matz, Sr.
- Della K. and Burton S. Bachman Room
- Given by the Jerry E. Poncher Family in Memory of our loved ones
- In honor of Joseph B. Kirsner. Given by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Davis
- In honor of Maurice Goldblatt. Given by The Cancer Research Foundation. Bernice Goldblatt, Merle and Seymour A. Cohen, and Dudly and Stanford J. Goldblatt
- Given by the Joseph E. Valenti Family
- In memory of husband and father Norman H. Stone. The Normal H. Stone Family
- The GI research center honors the memory of Bruce Edward Arnold and Anita R. Arnold
- In honor of our daughter Valerie Fiterman Herschman by Shirley and Miles Fiterman
- Given by Harriet Wolfson. In loving memory of my husband Howard E. Wolfson
- Given by Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Poden
- In loving memory of Sadie and Sam Byron. The Sidney L. Port Family
- The Reva and David Logan Center for Clinical Research in Gastroenterology
- In loving memory of Ruth D. Cummins. The Robert P. Cummins Family
- In loving memory of Rebecca and Harry Port. The Sidney L. Port Family
- Given by the GI Research Foundation Women’s Auxiliary
- In Memory of Harold and Lucille Lederer
- In honor of Joseph B. Kirsner from Charles W. and Tillie Lubin and Family
- Given by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pogofsky and Family. In memory of Hermine Groner Pogofsky
- Given by Helen and Philip Brody
- In memory of Harry R. Schultz
- Given by the China Trade and development corporation. Jen-Tao Tsang, Chairman of the Board
- Given by Helen and Jules Abramson
- Given by Mr. and Mrs. Eli Field
- In honor of Joseph B. Kirsner by Irving and Ruth Swartzberg
- Given by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Modell, Cleveland Browns Football Company
- The Martin Boyer Laboratories
- Conference room donated by GIRF Women’s Board
- Genetic engineering and urology core labs. Getz Foundation
- The building of these labs was made possible by the generousity of members and friends of the GI Research Foundation
- Celiac disease research and education at U of C has been advanced through a generous gift from the Galter Foundation 2003
- GIRF making a dream a reality. Joel and Norma Cohen, campaign chairpersons
- William J. Weisz and Barbara B. Weisz molecular genetics research lab
- DNA analysis and immunology core lab. Martin N. Sandler and Joseph E. Valenti Sr.
- Technology core lab. CDW computer centers, inc. Howard and Linda Ring
- IBD functional genomics core lab. Charlotte and Irving Brodsky, Elaine and Burton L. Gordon, Mary Pat and Theodore Ross
- In memory of Angelica Filloramo Biosca, R.P.T. Genetic crystorage lab
- Harriet and Ernest R. Katz. Lymphocyte/cell line lab
- Arthur and Marian Edelstein molecular and cell biology core lab
- Emma Getz IBD research center
- The Meta Gross GI Research Wing
- Technology research room donated by the Charles Edison fund
- The Barbara and Gerald Schultz mucosal immunology lab
- The Marjorie and Martin R. Binder transgenic animal and cell culture core lab
- The Leo and Hortense Singer molecular cell biology lab
- The Bettie and Sidney L. Prot cytokine and inflammation lab
- In honor of the generous contributions of Majorie I. Mitchell
- Miles and Shirley Fiterman. In honor of Joseph B. Kirsner MD. And Valerie Fiterman-Herschman (conference room)
- The Elaine and Burton Gordon immuno-genetics lab
- The Al Robin confocal microscopy lab
- Administrative and Faculty offices donated by GIRF Women’s Board